Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My thoughts

I know I haven't posted anything on my blog for quite some time but since I am not married or have any kids I don't have anything intersting to post so I thought that since this is my blog then I can post anything I want and I want to start out on writing about my blessings each day and then I will always have something to post and to be thankful for. So here it goes. One of my blessings is my family. I really have a great family! I love them so much and look forward to the times we get have together. Ever since I moved back to Utah about a 1 year and a half ago I really thought about how much my family means to me and how much my parents did for my siblings and I so we could have a happy home. They join the church at the young age of 13 and by their example they showed me that it means so much to them. The gospel is so important to me and I am so forever grateful for my parents for knowing it was true and for living the gospel as best as they can. My siblings aren't just my brothers and sisters they are my friends. I have so much fun when I with them. I just don't know what I would do with them they have taught me so much and still are. We have the best time whenever we are together. So thank you my family for being my family and for loving me. I love you!


Becky said...

What a great idea, Emily. Keep the posts coming, I'll be happy to read them! And ditto to what you said about that awesome family stuff. I sure love you!

Emily said...

Thanks Becky! I will try to keep them coming. I love you too.

Amy said...

I'm glad you are posting again. I'm glad to be part of such a great family too!

KIKA said...

aww I echo what everyone else said, Keep posting! :) I love your family too em! they're awesome! haha well the ones that I've met :) and there's no doubt in my mind the rest are just as awesome

Emily said...

Thanks Kika! I will try to keep posting. I am happy that you like me posts.