Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Becky!

Today is my sister's Becky birthday and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday! Growing up both of us didn't always get along (mainly it was me) but now we get along so well and I so enjoy having her as my sister. B is for bookworm E is for elegant, C is for Christlike, K is for kind, and Y is for young. These words are what comes to my mind when I think of my sister, Becky. Happy Birthday Becky! I hope all your wishes will come true. Happy cake eating!

David Archuleta's Very First Album!

David Archuleta album is now out! It came out on November 11th and I boughted it at Wal-Mart and I really like it. It is so nice to have David's album (finelly!) I hope to see more to come. His voice is so powerful and I enjoy listening to it. Since this is my blog I wanted to tell you about the things that I like and David Archuleta is one of them. For those who haven't heard David's voice you should it will be well worth the time. Happy Listening!