Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Becky!

Today is my sister's Becky birthday and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday! Growing up both of us didn't always get along (mainly it was me) but now we get along so well and I so enjoy having her as my sister. B is for bookworm E is for elegant, C is for Christlike, K is for kind, and Y is for young. These words are what comes to my mind when I think of my sister, Becky. Happy Birthday Becky! I hope all your wishes will come true. Happy cake eating!


Becky said...

Thanks so much Emily!! Your kind words brought tears to my eyes (it sounds corny but I don't mean it to be). I'm so glad we're sisters and that we have all of eternity to talk and laugh and share memories together. I love you Emily!

Becky said...

Oh, and nice picture! I don't think I've ever seen that one before.